~Addendum: Posted: 16 Nov 2005: 6.00pm~
There's a whole lot of people trying to make a point in my comments box that I've gotten one thing wrong over the other. Heck, I'm even scrutinised over the meaning of a single word i mis-used. So for the umteenth time, the post below is my honest opinion on an issue whihc is close to my heart. I have done no research on it before or after the posting, and I do not claim to be an expert in the mentioned topic, nor do i claim to have relevant experience. So, stop picking on my little mistakes here and there and read the article for it essence.
If you want to argue your point of view, I welcome you. But if you have nothing to argue about, and you would just like a swipe at me, then please don't waste my comment space. Bomb my mailbox instead. I do not wish to get myself entangled in childish punches below the belt and hope that you would do the same. If you have nothing solid to bring to discuss about the matter, please just leave this post alone and act as if you've never came here.
p.s. Thanks Lainie
~End of Addendum~
It's one of those days that I come into the office blank in the mind.
So I guess I'll just ramble until something props up.
I haven't done this in a long time now, but since this issue is getting so much airtime on the mass media, let's discuss about it.
"When Man loves Man, and can't get married legally, change one Man into woMan."
That's exactly what happened up north a few days ago. Well, the issue is not about the couple's marriage but the thing that they got 3 churches to preside over the wedding. I'm glad that it had nothing to do with the Anglican Church. We've gotten enough bad publicity already with the homosexual bishop in the USA.
Well, the issue that should be debated is that whether we should allow such a thing to happen in the church? Everyone knows that homosexuality is something that is classified as 'unnatural sex'. If is was natural, then it wouldn't need the help of any petroleum based jelly. And if it was natural, then us humans would have to be classified as asexual.
I'm not saying that homosexuals are doomed for hell and that they deserve to be there, but the fact that there are 3 churches who simultaneously presided over this un-holy union of sorts. This doesn't only mean that they endorse this move of changing one's sex. This is called altering God's creation at your own will. The person has successfully killed off the person the he should have been and started a life of 'her' own. If God wanted the fella to be a woman, He would've made him a woman from the womb.
Most homosexuals are not homosexuals by mistake. They consciously or sub-consciously made a choice to do so. Most homosexuals become homosexuals because of thier past. Maybe the fella came from a dysfunctional family, maybe his parents didn't teach him properly what is a girl, and what is a boy. Maybe something happened to his mother or father and he has reacted in hatred towards the entire male/female population and can't find the breakthrough in his heart and mind to overcome the problem.
In the quest for love, they are willing to go to great lengths to find acceptance and fulfillment. Sometimes, they find it in the wrong place. Sometimes, because they have not overcome thier problems, they fail in their attempts to start a 'normal' relationship. This is because in the back of thier mind, they have a certain trauma that is blocking them from going on with a 'normal' relationship. Maybe they have witnessed their own family breaking down because the father cheated on the mother or vice-versa, and they cannot bring themselves to trust the opposite gender. Some of them have been abused by a parent and have a fear that they will be abused in the same way by thier partner. (I'm speaking in generalities here).
But anyway, these people who cannot bring themselves to break-free from thier past will not be able to have a 'normal' relationship because they are mentally unable to accept and trust their partners. This brings them to look for others who share their same plight. And when they do so, they find 'love' in those who share thier hurt. And later, this love turns into lust, and once they step over that line, they will consciously live thier lives according to the stereotypes of a homosexual.
The basis of meaning making lies in the process of stereotyping. And the basic building block of stereotypes are binaries. Not the computer 101010 binaries, but binaries whereby meaning is made from determining two opposites. You need to understand hot and cold together. You cannot say something is hot without referring to something that is cold. You can only determine what is good with reference to what is bad. The process of meaning making works together in pairs.
Now, the binary involved in homosexuality is 'Boy or Girl'.
My lecturer always told us that we are stereotype from birth. Once the doctor pulls you out of your mother's womb, and announces "It's a boy!" then you will live your life as a boy... you will learn to love cars, gadgets, wear pants, like sports, and the like. But this process can be slanted in a way by refering to Freud and Lachan's Oedipal Complex. When a child is still lin its infancy, it identifies with its parents. And using the reference from the abovementioned boy, if he cannot find his father figure, then he will start to identify himself with his mother or someone who is bringing him up. This is where things get confused. So, infancy to a baby is very important. That is why if you do not have the time and resources to bring up a child, do not get your wife pregnant. If you are always not at home, don't get a child. Because only God knows who this child will look up to. If your daughter is brought up by a woman, then fine. But if your child is constantly brought up in the company of women, with no father figure to look up to, you can't blame him that he grows up to be effeminate.
So, there you go. The theory of the formation of a homosexual. It's all in the mind and in your previous experience.
Word of caution to those who are vying for a child. Do not get yourself a child unless you are ready to sacrifice a bit of your career. If you're not at home most of the time, and the child cannot find his father figure or her mother figure, then it's your fault that he/she turns out to be 'queer'.
Coming back to the church, I do feel that it is preposterous that they could find 3 churches to acknowledge their matrimony. I mean, love the sinner, but hate the sin... However what message are the 3 churches telling the world? That Christianity blesses this kind of marriage? That it is OK to change your sex if you're not happy with who you are???
With this ONE SINGLE marriage, the church has degraded itself into new depths. By ackowledging ONE marriage, they have just made a statement that Christianity is OK (and even endorses) with homosexual marriage by presiding over the marriage of two men. Well, if they say that one guy changed his gender, then they are endorsing the change of gender.
And I wonder why there were 3 churches??? I mean, if the the 'bride' is the member of ONE church and she got the pastor to agree with her, and the groom was a member of the SECOND church, then it makes sense of having two churches presiding over the marriage. But where does the THIRD church come from? To be there to strengthen the marriage and to further acknowledge the 'un-holy' matrimony?
What is this world coming to??? Why can't a guy just lust after a girl and be happy with it??