Saturday, November 12, 2005

I had a good train of thought last night...


Every blogger out there suffers from this. Having a good thought or topic only to lose it after a good nignt's sleep. Why does it seem that potentially good postings always come during the time when you have no internet connection?

Well, since today is a half-working-day, I brought only half a brain to work..

And this shall be like the other Saturday posts - half argued...

~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~

Ah.. now I remember...

Top 10 things to do when you're really bored:

10. Play with your fingers - When you have nothing else better to do, and you have no mood for any form of entertainment or fellowship, play with your phallic symbols... :) That will satisfy some Freudian freakiness in your psyche...

9. Pick your nose - If you stay near a big city, chances are, your nose is always filled with smut. Whenever you breathe in, dust collects in between your nose hairs and that makes for a good past time... It's hygienic, and besides, its oh-so-satisfying. Have i mentioned that it also has a therapeutic effect, refer to Freudian philosophy...

8. Twirl your hair - If you have really REALLY short hair, then grow some... If you can't there's always this thing called 'therapy'. That'll take some of your time and leave you with less time to get yourself bored.

7. Play with your TV remote control - It's always satisfying; watching tv without really watching... If you can't afford a TV, then refer to the abovementioned steps...

6. Walk the entire length of you house, back and forth if necessary - Bring a mop trailling behind you for good measure... Besides, it'll leave your pad cleaner...

5. Play with your underwear's elastic parts - Yes, the band that keeps your underwear where it should be, it gives a nice slapping sound, and it makes you realise that you can still feel a little pain from under your skin after the numbness of being bored to the bone.

4. Crawl under your bed - You'll find some historical stuff there. Maybe, just maybe, you'll find a trap-door to the land of Narnia or something... Beware that you do not mess with the monster living there... not a smart thing to do...

3. Read totally Teh PWN blogs - Yes, keep it up... continue with this list and you'll find yourself where you've started... bored stiff.

2. Get yourself a religion - Religion always takes you out of boredom. There's so much to do for God that you'll never have a dull moment.

1. Try your aim - Take a piece of coloured tissue paper, wet it thoroughly, swing tissue paper up to the ceiling of your room, and marvel at the fact that it stays there and does not come down. Continue observing the tissue paper on your celing until it falls down.



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