Thursday, November 24, 2005

Another [Blank] Day...

Fatigue has caught up with me.

No, not that I am tired, but I do need a holiday. I think, for the new generation of workers in the workforce today, we don't quite know the meaning of a holiday. The needs of being on the job is as such that we cannot ever leave our job unattended. I remembered being asked to call a supervisor who went to Austria for a holiday because a client asked for something that only she could know.

And especially for us, in Malaysia, it is an employer's market. An economic boom in the 70's has left a rather large amount of kids of the 80's having the benefit of graduating from university. And it only gets worse. To say it in very crude terms, if you'd urinate around in a public area, chances are, you'd be hitting at least 3-4 degree holders and a couple of masters holders. So, the employers aren't moved if you asked for a little bit more remuneration. And the employers know it. All of them have a 'Take it or leave it' attitude and they tend to hire based on which degree holder can give the company the best deal a'la long hours, minuscule pay.

This has made the market so competitive that new entrants into a company dare not ask for a raise, nor a long holiday. The bosses aren't hessitant in giving thier employees a couple of days off, but if you asked for an entire week, or a stretch of 10 days, then you might as well do it when you're in between jobs. Besides that, our minuscule salary allows for nothing. Like what will a couple of days do? NOTHING!!! You go out of town, you spend an average 5 hours driving, and we all know that is exhausting. So, most of the time, people come back from holidays even more tired. Mentally refreshed, yes. Physically drained, absolutely!

Some company policies have been made as such that only a certain amount of annual leave can be transfered to the next year. And if you don't take the days off, it's forfeited! But when you ask your boss for more than a few days off, the fella rejects it based on the fact that it's "Peak Season" and the company cannot do without your services. But if the company cannot do without your services, then why aren't they paying you more?

So... tell me.. Will I be working myself to the grave without the chance of getting a holiday? It's been a year plus now since my last 'real' holiday.


Blogger theGodlyLawyer said...

oh no....i cannot remember when was the last time i had holiday... was it after form 6? i think so... goodness.... how can that happen to me??? all my leaves was 'sacrifies' for revision and exams...ghoosh.....!!!! i hate this...
U THERE, consider yourself blessed...!!!!

November 24, 2005 10:46 am  
Blogger SaDdNesZ.jc said...

TGL: Puik... you living a dog's life has nothing to do with me... muahahahaha...

It is not by might nor by power, but by your own free-will that you have done such a thing to yourself...

November 24, 2005 11:05 am  
Blogger theGodlyLawyer said...

wrong focus, wrong focus...

November 24, 2005 11:24 am  
Blogger SaDdNesZ.jc said...

TGL: It is not my character to lift my own spirits at the demise of others... hahahahaha

November 24, 2005 12:25 pm  
Blogger Yian said...

i know what you boss has mentioned that we can't take long leave from Feb to Sept next year because of a major project....

November 28, 2005 9:18 am  
Blogger SaDdNesZ.jc said...

Yain: At least you got an early heads-up...

In some companies, it is an unspoken policy...

November 28, 2005 9:39 am  

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