Friday, July 29, 2005

Might as well...

There's nothing for me to do in the office... so i might as well blog...

It was a hell of a week (no wait... two weeks) and only now I get to do some serious snaking around the office... I've been sitting in front of my computer doing nothing since 10am and my head's starting to ache badly... maybe i need coffee... since today wasn't hectic, i figured i didn't need my daily dose of caffeine... maybe i'm wrong...

Anyways, i'm really looking forward towards tonight's celebration and all... and i'm keeping my fingers crossed so that the stuff that's cooking in the magic cooker will turn out well... Now all i need to do is to get myself outta the office on time...

Fingers crossed...

She is Gay???

Now this i cannot comprehend...

I'm being my useless self in the office and thus, I went about doing my internet surfing, and found this news article... and part of it read...

"... her daughter, who is gay, and two gay male friends..."

Someone please clarify, how can a girl be gay???

Anyone!!!??? PLEASE!!!

IT's FRIDAY.... Yea YEA!!!

Whao! I never thought I could be so happy looking forward to the weekend...

This is just so new to me... previously, weekends are just small breaks in between work... now it's so precious to me that even i am doumbfounded...

All i hope for now is that nothing stupid crocks up from the clients... I have a cell multiplication to organise! and the food that I've cooked is already in the magic cooker, lying on the floor of my car!

Tonight shall be a night of celebration and joy! It'll be a night that most of my cell members have been waiting for 4 years! whao... There's gonna be food, singing, sharing and cake! then those who are of legal age will proceed to a good bottle of port... and wine... muahahahaha


Thursday, July 28, 2005

Lunch makes one sleepy...

I'm tired, exhausted, drained out and dying... physically and mentally...

Everything seems to be happening at the same time... where got such co-incidence one???

It's a conspiracy against me I tell you... someone, somewhere must be against me somehow... if not where got such a series of unfortunate events one???

Sometimes I do wonder, am I being too nice in the office? Afterall, everyone's in it to earn a few bucks... not to make friends. Right???

arghh... life just sucks... my phone's out of credits, my car's outta fuel, and I need to organise a party on friday...

lemony snickkets my fart!

Wah.... so fast Thursday ah???

It's been a hell of a week and time just seem to fly without me being able to take notice.

I've been made busy with this lousy project that I'm doing for this lousy client. And it's taken most of my private time away...

Let's just hope this kind of thing doesn't happen often...

*Continues to do work... slave for the company...

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


It's been hectic for me so far...

I've been across town sending this thing to that company, from this company to the other... get the things, send it there... go there, get the things, and send it somewhere else...

This is the only time whereby I've actually sat down in the comfort of my 'not-so-comfortable' office chair...

I'm stressed out, I'm stoned, I'm involved in a bout of minor office politics...

Hope that it won't bring upon me any serious reprecussions...

So much to be done, so little time...

A SUPER DUPER Existential Posting...

Think about this...

The more you know,
The more you think...

The more you think,
The less you know...

Why ah?

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

At last...

Some deserved peace and quiet...

The mad rush has taken a step back and i'm in a time-out period... the printer's konked out and we have a presentation due tomorrow morning... guess how that equates... I'm ahead of schedule with my stuff, but I'm suffering from a major writersblock...

need... to... start... writing...

but I have already used all my brain's resources... Someone help me!!!

Tuesday morning feels like Monday!!!

I have awaken to the rude awakening of the morning... How good it'll be if only I could stay in today and sleep the worries away.

When life grabs you by the balls, man, do they hurt... For the past two weeks, I've been roaming around the office like a mad-man with nothing much to do. Now, I'm running up and down to get things done... Let's just hope it ends here... TODAY!!! Enough already!!!

Well, life in itself is very much an exciting affair... That's why I choose to live everything to the fullest. The more I sleep the less I live. But yet, the less sleep I get, the faster i die! puik!

Of ramblings and meaningless thoughts...

Monday, July 25, 2005

Weekend Light Bulbs

There's no originality...

There's only culture, and counter culture...

However resillient people are about their originality, they are simply acting out a form of counter culture... You wear like that, I wear exactly opposite... you eat chilli, I go for 'Tak Mau Pedas'!

All this for the sake of 'originality' and uniqueness... then, they find that another person that does the exact same thing...


Busy, busy, busy... will be out for the whole day...

Friday, July 22, 2005

It's gonna be busy these few days...

Datelines all over the place...

I won't be coming up with any good qualtity stuff... Work is getting pretty hectic because the client wants to do something pretty fast... Somewhat bad time management on both sides of the spectrum I guess... Anyhow, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do to survive...


signing off for the weekend, on a Friday morning...

Something's brewing in my head right now... but it's not related to blogging... will tell when it's more solid...

Thursday, July 21, 2005

mUseless Thursdays...

Nothing much to talk about today... nothing much has happened...

It's a good change... I've been rather busy for the past few days... now the silence is pretty much welcomed...

Hopefully I'll think of some topic to write about later... Thoughts normally comes after lunch...

hehehehe... heh...

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Victims of Sensationalism

The media... tabloids... the whole world's communication industry...

We have been bombarded by nothing more than sensationalism... (whao! it's pretty difficult to spell the word) And we are loving it! Although we may find it hard to admit, as consumers of news and gossip, we are therefore very sensitive to a thing called sensationalism... We go for the outrageous, the 'new', the daring, the X-factor, calamities, big happenings and whatever that can generate publicity. Sometimes I do wonder how much of me subconsciously subscribe to it.

There's no denying that every blogger in Blogtown goes for the sensational break. Whenever something happens in the blogoshpere, there won't be a lack in comments, posts, and arguments about the same thing. That's how we are. That's human nature.

It happens in TV, it happens in radio, it happens everywhere. Writers find a story, an issue and blow up the entire thing, give it a different spin and it becomes sensational. Thus, we achieve popularity/increased readership/cultural capital. Everyone, like it or not, is out here in Blogtown trying their best to increase thier self worth. They want their views to be heard, commented on and they want more hits on their blog! So how to do that? Take an outstanding issue, and blow it up. Either you write something really emotional and get people to comment on your anger or you get people that feel the same way to empathise with you...

There's no use denying it... We blog for this purpose. You might have started off blogging for yourself, but you will soon find that it is unavoidable. Whether you want to admit it or not, however fashion you started your blog, sooner or later, you will WILL fall into the sensationalism trap. Just like a moth to the flame.

If you are the exception to the general rule, do contact me...

Saddening ain't it... but that's the fact.

Red Pill vs. Blue Pill....

You can't have both...

What's the relationship between a good working environment and salary? They are direct opposites. That's what.

You want a superb working environment where hours pass-by with ease, where everyone else around you work towards making it a day at 6pm on the dot, where work is work and fun is fun??? Then you'd have to settle for less of a salary. If you want a huge pay-cheque, then be prepared to work like a dog 24/7... choose... there's no perfect company in this sense.

So many controversies... little time

Disclaimer: I did not purposefully post up my comments to get more attention. It was purely out of interest that i attempted to analyse the situation.

So, if you find anything contradictory, offensive or disturbing, apologies... but I am standing by my text and my opinion. I've gone back to it and read it again and found that i was rather objective than impulsive. I don't like to delve into emotions when i am writing analytical pieces, however shallow they may be.


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Love & Hate

Which is the stronger?

It's been a rather relaxed day at the office with the occasional bumps from the servicing people, but generally fine... It's been a revelation somehow during these dark days that I am hated for who I am somehow. I do not think that I'm a perfect person and somehow would have stepped on someone's toes for a reason or another.

So the question is, "Do you love to hate me or Do you hate to love me?"

Answer me!!!

A Debate for the Freedom of Speech...

The KennySia-SPG Issue...

In the wake of such controversy, two ( and bloggers from blogtown have now withdrew their posts regarding the infamous "For a few hours only: Kennysia-SPG Hooter Contest". Was this a show of self sencorship, withdrawing the post in view of keeping young minds clean, pure and unpolutted? Or was it simply to save their own behinds, just in case they get into trouble with the authorities??

I think this is the perfect epitome of the pros and cons of the 'Freedom of Speech'. Is there really freedom of speech? Was Kenny entirely free to post whatever he liked in the name of freedom of speech and expression? Yes, in the name of 'Freedom of speech and Expression' Kenny gets to do whatever he deems right. But whatever is right for him might not be right for others; as seen on the 100+ comments made resulting from his single post. Now he has withdrew his comments and put in some crap in place of the post instead. So what have the public done to this poor guy who just wants to share his life with his audience? They have made him into a criminal; an outlaw; a blogger who is looking to cover his own tracks. From now on, he will sub-consciously practice self-censorship. and that defeats the entire purpose of blogging.

Blogs are the communty's backlash to the mainstream press. It's been since time immemorial that we've been bombarded by what the government wants us to know. News, however unbiased are still set by the powers that be. Agenda setting is the politically correct term for mass mind control. How a citizen functions as a citizen is dependant on how he reads and reacts to the things he knows. Thus, news, however much you would like to deny it, controls us, as citizens of a country. We act out of our intelligence, however shallow that may be, and we are not, therefore, able to think beyond what we know. So what we are able to know determines how we act. That's how the governmetn controls us through the news. That's why as a retalliation, blogs have surfaced as the counter-revolution. We bloggers are now able to streamline info to the masses which were once controlled by the mainstream news. And that is, albeit partially, freedom of speech.

However, what we do in cyberspace will have a significant bearing on our lives in physical space. The authorities cannot kill our blog, but they can take our bodies away... So where is the line between true freedom and false consciousness???

And then there's the human element. Freedom of speech should always be practised in view of the community or the readers/potential readers. Minishorts withdrew her post on her thoughts regarding Kenny's post because it would potentially harm Kenny, and their relationship as friends. So where is the freedom of speech?

Freedom of Speech lies very much in the hands of the writer. The author of a text. The author is free to express him/herself through the text produced but there are certain limitations on how far they can go. Unless Mankind can live as an island and have no friends, then the author can write whatever he/she pleases. But then, there won't be an audience. In order for someone to write, and write well, there has to be an audience. Be it the author itself, or for an external audience.

and the way the author writes his/her text is very much dependant on his/her audience. if not, then he/she has no reason to write. Who would write just for the sake of writing? A writer will always have this sub-conscious urge to go back to his/her writing whenever possible, to marvel, to experience the text, and to critique it.

So, is there still freedom of speech in a blog?


Breakfast Does Wonders!!!

I awake to my trusted alarm everyday dreading the fact that there's work to be done, mouth to be fed (thankfully its just me), a body that needs to be taken care of, car installments, rent for the roof over my head and other what-have-yous...

Still sad from yesterday... I'm having quite regular mood swings lately... wonder what's in it. I've never been known to have mood swings... it's either i'm normal or i'm normal... I might get sad from every-now-and-then but not out of no particular good reason at all... mid-mid-life crisis??? But i have no reason to be depressed...

Must seek God... hhhmmm...

Monday, July 18, 2005

Life is just Sad...


It's almost time to go and the air-con is making popsicles of my fingers...

And then I begin to realise that Life is just Sad... I've been using this nick since I was in form 4 and that was a good 7 years ago... no wait... 8 years... I'm getting old...


Off to the pasar malam I go... alone... girlfriend will be staying back in the office to finish some unfinishable work...

Double Saddening...

Another Lunchtime Realisation...

I am seriously addicted to curry....

Must have curry...

Will die if i don't get a dose of curry every two days...

Wonder if they put some kuskus seeds into curry powder...

But i'm hooked... not to just 1 stall, but wherever i go, if there's curry on the menu, you can bet i've tried it...

Lunch... meloncholic...

No mood to work leh...

For no particular reason, I just can't bring myself to conjure up ideas for a stupid tagline...

Maybe I'll spend this unproductive time being productive at something else instead.

The weekend was rather relaxing... went out for basketball in the middle of the night (raining sommore) and arrived home whacked. Didn't even wait for my hair to dry before I dropped like a dead fly on my bed... and surprisingly woke up with the best hair-do ever!!! Should give it try some other day and risk a hefty migrain...

I just spent the entire weekend doing nothing... and that's something you don't see me do often... most weekends, you'll either see me lounging around the church office or walking around like a headless chicken in some shopping mall...

Oh, almost forgot that at last, i gave my car a deserved bath on saturday night (yes, you've guessed it, midnight again)... I must stop this... I practically live for my friends and responsibilities during the normal times of the day and only get to live for myself after hours... Well, what to do... Man in the Realm, Body is not his Own (Canto: Yan Zoi Gwong Wu, San Pat Yau Gei)... The life of a servant, the life of a leader.

Responsibilities all around. Friends want my attention, cell members want my attention, family members need my attention, visiting family members have to be attended to, girlfriend needs to be taken care of... where got time for myself? Responsibilities need to be adhered to, tasks to accomplish, jobs to delegate, activities to be planned... and amongst all that, I need to get myself financially stable...

my drivers' lisence is going to expire in a week or so... roadtax and insurance also coming up... there goes RM1,000 in debt...


Caffeine Does its Trick (again)

I am seriously addicted to coffee... it's not that i choose to drink coffee, but it's more of like 'I can't live without coffee'... and i can assure you, this is not a good thing!

It means larger expenses, (You think coffee and coffeemate cheap ah?), don't discount the boiling of water means an increase in electricity bills, not to mention water bills...

Anyhow, Monday mornings still suck.

Only felt better after my mandatory caffeine fix.

Will post more after the day really starts... as of now, ppl are still strolling in and jobs are few and far in between... awaiting the dreaded clients' calls...

in need of toilet-snake therapy...

Friday, July 15, 2005

Looking Forward to a Good Weekend!!!


no... they are not sponsoring this blog... it's a shout of pure enjoyment and an expression fit for the weekend... so so so so looking forward to the weekend.

It's been quite some time since i've been looking forward for such a weekend. This weekend, i'm just gonna take things slow and relax... while i still can... and get ready for work on Monday... rats...

The only dilemma though is whether I should go look for a visiting aunt... She's been in KL for the past two weeks and nobody told me!!! the nerve!!! sometimes i do wonder if i come from a dysfunctional family... don't get me wrong, I do love my parents a lot, and my sisters too... but sometimes communication is a factor... My mum and I have both been quite busy for the past two weeks and therefore calls have been far and few in between...

sigh... the life of a metropolitan son...

So, signing off for the weekend...

with the purest of love.

Ah... might as well make time...

Clients are a pain in the behind.

If not the one thing that I learnt from my previous company was that clients are always a pain... Not that they want to be, but that's just how they are. I'm sure it's not their goal to be a pain for us, as their suppliers, but then... Where got people do things like that one!!!???


I've been having some communication problems with the people around me lately and i am seriously wondering if it's my hearing... I've been driving this sports-car-wannabe isagawara of a proton for the past year or so... (Alamak! Roadtax and insurance is due soon and that will kill me...) And it's pretty loud inside the car... The manufacturers had the nerve to put in semi-sports pipping and took out the muffler so that i can get the attention i need wherever i go! PUIK! I had no freaking choice but to buy that car ok... (monetary reasons) and i am seemingly suffering for that now... i seem to not hear a lot of things nowadays... maybe my hearing's starting to deteriorate...

But then, Communication is Always a Gamble. (That's like Rule #1 of Communications Theory) And thus, whenever you speak, there's a potential mis-understanding waiting to happen. That's because in communications theory, the basic model of communication is the sender>message>receiver model... and the message is always the problem. This is a side-effect of a multi-cultural, multi-lingual Malaysia.

In Malaysia, advertising is a headache because we come from a lot of ethnic backgrounds and most of us have kept with our traditions, practises, speech, dialects and our unique ways of meaning making. And it is this jumbled-up process of meaning making that's creating all the problems in Malaysian English. We have been trying to assimilate Hokkien, Tamil, Malay, Cantonese, and whatever else you could think of into our English and in true Malaysian fashion, Manglish is as good a mix as the Rojak in SS15!!! (uuummmm.... slurp... sedap....)

How to make meaning??? How to catch up with the latest 'catch-phrase'??? They're always changing! One day it would mean this, then it would bear a whole different meaning with a different group of friends. Then we have to be careful not to use words that would potentially offend this group of citizens, or that group, or the other group, or that group... then don't advertise lar!!!

So, in Malaysia, where culture and understanding of English is as diverse as the blue yonder, communication is always a problem...

... brain hangs and can't function no more...

Pray for me...

I am busy!!!

Can't update the blog now...

Will do so as soon as i am free...

..... *static*.....

Thursday, July 14, 2005

C'mon.... Let me go home in peace!!!

I'm sitting here in the office hoping that the bosses won't come back asking for a meeting... but then, logic tells me that if we don't have a meeting, we won't be able to finish the task which is ahead of us... hhhmmm....

Take the blue pill? or take the red pill? Life is always about choice... and the problem with capitalism, and humankind for that matter, is that we are constantly facing choices and opportunity costs. Buy this today? Buy this tomorrow? or Don't buy this at all?

Sometimes i wonder if the world would get fed up with capitalism and redirect its ideology to Marxism??? We've been taught by history books (which are the main propaganda machinery of the government) that communism and all its marxist cousins are evil... why do we fail to see the good side of it and sweep it aside for the greater good??? like what we are doing now, sweeping aside the bad things regarding capitalism and democracy....



my fingers are still not co-ordinating properly...

It's a thursday and my situation hasn't gotten any better.

But I did enjoy myself at the movies last night... and Jeez Louise, I haven't been to the movies since StarwarsIII... I enjoyed every bit of it. Not so much of the movie that I watched, but the experience that it brought. It's been quite some time since I've took time off for such a thing and it has made me reminiscing about my days as a school kid; about the days where life was simple, when responsibilities were minimal... and I had nothing to worry about but what time I should be home!!!

How much I would give to go back to the good old days.

With great earning power comes great responsibility. Within a short period of time, I would see myself marrying the love of my life and chase the dreams of building a happy family, procreate and carry on the name of my forefathers... Wonder how I will turn out as a father...

But still, the memories of driving up and down the streets of my peaceful hometown does bring back a lot of happy memories. Back then, a drive to the coffee-shops / night markets, where yamcha was the only agenda, was so nice. We could really talk in the car, unlike driving in KL... Whenever you do a joy-ride with your girlfriend, the thing hovering on your mind would be... "Not too far... it's freaking costing me RM1.52 per litre..." and "UUUIIiii Why the lousy fella in front like that one??? Lesen Kopi-O ah???"

Life... The good old days...

Come to think of it, there's always the Good Old Days.... what ever happened to the bad old ones?

A meaningless Thursday morning rant

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Darn it.... My fingers are not coporeating....

For some unknown reason, my fingers aren't really co-ordinated today. I keep typing stuff that comes out twisted. First it was 'asnwer'.... the it was 'boudn'...


Heck i'm typing and re-typing so many things today, lucky nothing's going out...

What you think, what you believe, what you are...

When you start to think that you are someone, then you start to believe that you are that someone, then you become that someone...

Such an extent is the power of the mind. Even a depressed mind, even the mind of a child.

People without a proper belief system will tend to end up in the dark murky waters of the unknown. People who grew up believing that religion is just a fad, philosphy is just a train of thought, and life is just a bed of roses are simply getting thier lives into trouble.

A few years down the line, when reality sinks in, they start to realise that life isn't a bed of roses, in the comfort of home, where daddy and mommy are there to protect you. Then, when they start to think about thier own lives, the only way they know is what thier childhood has taught them. Which, most of the time, are a myriad of uninformed choices and ways of thinking.

Let's not blame this on the blanket term 'lack of love and attention' from the parents point of view but let's dwell in the original sin, as it were. As children, we tend to learn from our parents. If your parents are never at home, you learn from the TV and the internet, and if there's no such luxuries at home, you learn from your neighbours.

Therefore, you can never tell what kind of stuff children are into these days.

The only thing that a parent can do is to make sure that they are given proper grounding, proper guidance in how to think. What are the philosophies of life, how to get along with life after failling, how to be a healthy person, mentally and physically.

After Lunch Thoughts.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Tuesdays Also!!!???


Worked until around 9pm last night and went home feeling as if i've had too much to drink. By the time i had finished my dinner, I was practically stoned, light-headed and was scrambling to get home. I think if a policeman would've stopped me anywhere along my journey home, I would have admitted to D.U.I. without even blowing...

I didn't know a lack of dinner could do such a thing to a man!!! and darn it, it was laundry night... and that means that I cannot sleep unless I've hung out my clothes. *sigh* The life of a metropolitanite...

Then the fact that i couldn't sleep didn't help matters. AYAM!!

Sometimes I do ask myself, "Why am I here? What the heck am I doing here? Isn't life back in Sandakan easier? Less stress? Less traffic??? WHY? WHY? WHY?

Then i look into my girlfriend's eyes and i see heaven... chewah, but wait... where have I heard that before?

Tuesdays are no fun at all...

Monday, July 11, 2005

Still on the Pathway to Brain Death...

For no apparent reason...

Freaking Mondays does creepy things to your mind!!! And the worst of all that could happen is that your boss and your clients are in the productive groove... Wanting to see results by the evening... Stating their preferences in the morning so that you could work on that direction and to change them again after lunch...



No Lunchtime Improvement...

The day still sucks BIG TIME!!!

Now I have to finish a big load of horse-crap for some dirty client... BY TODAY!!!

But that aside, I can still feel the sleepiness at the edge of my eyelids! AYAM!!! I don't think i will be churning out any thought provoking topics for today...

Need... More... Caffeine...

Further frustration await.

Monday never fails to do 'it' again!!!

Rats!!! It's monday morning once again!!! ARGGHHH!!!

Mondays never fail to creep up on you during your slumber...

SO did not want to wake up today. The fact is, I know that there will be countless jobs for me to think about today. Sometimes I do wonder whether i should go for a blue collar life so that I can use less of my brain, and use more grit and energy. Sitting in the office with not much physical activity except for my incessant typing, and typing, and typing... and my brain churning out rubbish and nonsensical ideas that nobody would buy... hhhmmm...

Will update more when the day gets worse.

And now, for my customary morning caffeine fix.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Everything Stops for London

It's saddening to see the extent humans will go to prove a point: 38 (and counting) deaths and countless injured. What were these people thinking??? Al-qaeda it seems, but whoever the perpetrators are, they are not fit to be called human beings. What more when they claim to be doing all this for their religion/religious beliefs.

This draws up a very serious point. For ages, the struggles on earth was not actually between Man and Man (Country vs. Country). It has actually always been Man vs. God. Throughout the years, and a few thousand years at that, MAN has been trying to define religion their own way. This has led to misrepresentations of the holy scriptures, and until more recently, man has started to come up with their own 'holy scriptures'. It is an incessant trend in modern times where post-modernism is the philosophy of the day. We tend to pick and choose the seemingly 'good points' from religions all over the place and thus, we have no backbone in our beliefs.

Why I say that we do not have a backbone when the logic is that "we are taking all the good points in a religion and eliminating the bad teachings". Let's draw inspiration from the tried and tested religions/faiths that have influenced more than half the world; Judaism, Christianity, Islam and in more recent times, Buddhism

I seriously cannot comprehend the fact that some people out there are drawing inspiration from these 'Big' religions and concocting their own religion out of what they think are the good points of this. What's the issue with these people? Greed for power issit? Cannot make it through the system and be a Chief-Rabbi/Chief-Priest/Ketua-Imam/Head-Monk (sorry for the unsolicited job titles) so you come out and open your own shop issit??? If
you can't make it in the real world, then you create your own organisation issit?? This is exactly how cults start off!!!

It is due to the fact that there are such people out there who will come up with their own notion of what religion should be without considering the fact that these major religions are there and have been there since time immemorial. They are here today because they have a certain credibility to them and they have learned from their trials and errors, and their system has been intact for thousands of years. There's a saying 'You know it's good if it's been going on for thousands of years.'

There is a reason why you get to see the good things and bad things about a religion. Because they have been in operation for countless years, they have seen humanity at its worst and have therefore, learnt from it. When you embrace the traditional religions, you are embracing a system of beliefs that have stood the test of time. But when you embrace a new religion, like say the most famous now is 'the church of scientology' which our favourite actor Tom Kurus has been promoting, you are embracing an imperfect collage of what a few people think religion should be. Think for yourself. Think again. Where is the sense in that?

Let's face it. Man has always been struggling with God. We have always been the one who wants to control our own lives. We embrace a faith that is good for us, not because it makes us a better person, it's because we can live with it, it suits our lifestyle, it gives us benefits. It's always about Us, Ourselves, Me, I, Moi!

The war of 'Who is the better religion' is just a side track. In this post-modern world, man is always the centre of the universe. The popular thinking of today is "I choose to believe in what I deem is best for me", see the problem??? How educated are you??? How smart are you?? How much of the world have you seen??? Can your mere 40 years of existing on earth be compared to a system that has been handed down through time??? How much can you learn in your own lifetime?? How easy is it for YOU, a mere speck in the timeline of history, to misread, misrepresent, and mislead people into doing something like the bombing of Central London???

Think again.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

When he shat nothing at all....

It's late in the evening, and i have nothing to do in the office, so i decided to update the blog.

Sometimes i wonder whether i am actually blogging for myself or for the sake of some of my 'invinsible' readers. Do i demand an audience? Do i deserve an audience??? Do people actually waste their time in reading my rants and nothingness???


a very stupid posting...

Need a seriously STRONG caffeine fix...

Can anyone recommend me a strong coffe that will not burst my budget, but yet can still keep me awake??

I think i am immune to Nescafe already. i've been an ardent follower of the Nescafe brand since i was a coffee drinker. Just like Milo for choco. But it seems that it's starting to not work for me anymore. Could my body be immune to caffeine? If that's the case, then i think i'll need a better shot... maybe a shot in the arm??? or some kind of motivation that is caffeine free. *evil smirk*

Caffeine, i must admit does strange things to you at night, but i am seriously not getting an effect from it today!

Talking about Nescafe, i find it rather intruiging that they have made their brand such a success that nowadays, if you go to a coffee shop, and you order a nescafe, and if the drink that comes doesn't taste like coffee, you'll know straight away that it's not nescafe. Branding, branding and branding. Nothing beats the taste of Nescafe because they define the taste of coffee in Malaysia. Even to a certain extent, if you're not told that Starbucks coffee is made of the purest, high-hest quality *cough-horseshit-cough* beans, you would think that starbucks coffee doesn't taste like coffee..


Mosquitoes are never fun....

Dah lah masuk tidur lewat, tengah malam kena liwat oleh nyamuk pulak!!!

Went to bed rather late, because I needed to catch up on some reading... but in the end found myself driving out for a joyride cum late night banking activities. This bank where i keep my minuscule savings can only be accessible during the wee hours of the night... if you go during the day, you're doomed! Parking is a HUGE hassle...and you have MPPJ HQ right in front of it.. For all you know, the Yang Di-Pertua has his PA holding a pair of binoculars, standing near the window, looking out for parking offenders every 2 hours or so... you'll know which bank if you know what i mean...

Coming back to the mosquitoes, WAHLAUWEH!!!! It was crazy!!! Went to sleep at 2am, woke-up at 3.30am, switched on the lights, Lo-and-Behold, the freaking blood sucker was right there sitting itself on the wall beside my head!!! Without even thinking, I squashed it!!! and left it there to DRY!!! it was only when I streamed my eyes across the room that i found another few lurking in the dark corners, underneath my table. I told myself, this cannot be. I will not lose sleep over such puny creatures!!! So I walked all over to my girlfriend's apartment, which was on the block next to mine, and grabbed her canister of SHIELDTOX!!!! And I came back with revenge on my mind... *evil smirk*

But the damage has already been done. Now, I am half dead, I have meetings to attend today, and I expect a busy day... AYAM!!!

Life is so ayamed at times...

Now leave me, I need to get my caffeine fix...

Go on, run along, SHOOO!!!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

How do you pronounce BVLGARI???

I saw one of BVLGARI's ads in a magazine and asked my friend how does one pronounce that word. Then it suddenly struck me. An old (I mean ex-) colleague of mine gave me a warning some time ago.

"If the girl you happen to go after knows how to pronounce that word perfectly, RUN!!!"

A freakin' tie would roll your credit card bills into the 4-digit region. so...

Wonder if Suanie would know how to pronounce it, Since she is looking to get herself laid... I mean... a boyfriend.


Wednesday Afterlunch Thoughts

It's been quite serious, my past few postings, so i've decided to give that a break and give in to my brighter side.

But then, i don't know what to post!

My life's a mess, TV's a wreck: Boring same old stuff, and nothing seems to be working at work. I need some excitement in my life. Maybe i need a holiday. Maybe i need a break from it all. But then, what's in a break? Holidays mean travelling, travelling and travelling, and by the end of the trip, you find yourself exhausted from all that travelling; So you say to yourself, "I need another break!" I mean, what kind of logic is that? i go for a holiday so that I can get tired?

Maybe motivation is what i need. I always promised myself, that when I get a new job, i would bring a monkey to work (albeit a soft-toy) and print out (and LAMINATE) a sign the says "Pay Peanuts, Get Monkey" and leave it on my chair whenever I snake around the office. But then i found this job where everbody else is getting paid peanuts, and everybody snakes!!! AYAM!!!!

Life... it ain't easy... it's ayamed!!!

I am not a morning person... PERIOD.

I hate it when mornings creep on you. It seemed only 5 minutes ago that you've fallen asleep then you hear your alarm ring... AYAM!!! Not on a freaking wednesday dammit!!!

Anyways, went to visit my Pastor at the hospital, the wife just gave birth to a adorable baby girl. So fragile, so defenseless, but in 10 years time, she will be a talking walking person like what you and i were. She was barely a foot-long and was so puny. Hard to imagine that i was once that size...

Some times we forget the miracle called 'ourselves'. I am constantly reminded that I am who I am because of the experiences of my past. That i was once defenseless, innocent, pure... That I was formed in my mother's womb, not in full form of the 5 foot 8 inch frame that i now call my body... Sometimes, we only think of ourselves as adults and that we are able to acheive everything. We often operate without understanding that our mere existence is a miracle in itself. Sometimes we ask God for a miracle in our lives and yet we forget that our lives are the walking and talking miracle.

think about it...

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

All we need is a little controversy...

Life is short. Play hard. (X-Box)

This thing about religion in Minishort's site is really getting the people excited. You see people coming up with different opinions on all sorts of religions... and you come to see some people coming up denying all religions... what actually makes these people tick???

For thousands of years, MAN (women included) has been actively searching for GOD... like it or not, we have been trying to find perfection as an escape from our imperfection. So where does man get this notion of God??? Is it beyond science??? Is it pure fiction or is it just something that you'll have to believe round-round (bulat-bulat)???

I do feel that religion and the existance of God cannot be denied, because the world's supposedly most intelligent beings can't even take good care of it. So, the rationale is that there must be a higher being than humans. We did not just appear from nowhere and therefore must have a creator. I refuse to believe that i am a distant cousin of some chimp out there in the forests of China simply because it's both illogical and degrading. If evolution really made chimps into man, then why are the current crop of chimps still chimps?? Why aren't they even half as intelligent as us???

If you say that God does not exist, then try explaining the creation of the Earth... Where did the earliest lifeform come from?? You?? Man has the power to create, yes, but the only thing that man cannot create is himself. Cloning can produce a DNA/Carbon copy of you, but it will not have your soul, it will not think exactly like you... because, life is different for everyone. Everyone meets with different situations and chooses different ways to overcome an issue. That's the beauty of being a human being.

If you say that all religion preaches good, but who holds the truth? What can you make of as good??? How can your feeble mind, who has only seen a speck in the timeline of eternity, say that good is good? What is envisioned as good today may be irrelevent in 100 years' time... These three lines alone debunks all the notions that doing good will bring you to eternal peace... The truth is, truth is relative. It might relate as truth today and be totally out of place tomorrow.

Try this on for size, if you think science is the ultimate truth because 1 + 1 = 2, then think about this. A fact cannot stand without a theory and a theory cannot stand without a fact. All mathematical formulaes are bound by assumptions. We assume that 1 is really 1. In economics, we always assume the 'all things remain constant'. In physics, we assume that an ion is the smallest particle in an atom. No one has actually seen an ion, we can only monitor its existence from an experiment that is bound by countless theories. So science, when you debunk a few theories, doesn't seem so absolute anymore...

That was long...

Evening Nothing-To-Do-ness

The bosses are not in, and the whole office seems to be on a wroking holiday... No seriousness, unless a client calls for something urgent... *Darn clients* and i'm left sitting down behind my monitor looking for something fresh to read. It was then i found minishorts' posting about this book review (sorry i have yet to learn how to link to her site) and Religion popped up as a very hot topic... there are a whole lot of people writing comments on a whole lot of nothing.

*Let me whore a bit, and self promote...* hehehehe and I, being an opinionated person, contributed to the discussion... You can go to to find out.... COOL!!! now i know how to link... :)

'Melon'cholic Tuesday Mornings

Ever woke up with all the enthusiasim in the world, waiting to take on the new day like a cat that was locked up in a cage the previous night? Today was one of those days... I do feel strange that i go to bed the same time, under the same circumstances, and yet, mondays pose a slump in form and energy. But as soon as it comes to Tuesdays, i'm all energetic again... wonder why...

Anyhow, it was a WONDERFUL morning until suddenly, I thought about what a melon i've been. I was listenning to the radio, and they were having all sorts of competitions as part of a pre/post launch of a designated movie... it was during one of these radio announcements that i realise i've not been seeing any movies recently... nope TGV/GSC wouldn't like consumers like me... to seriously track back, the last movie that i watched was StarWarsIII and that too was due to the fact that i had nothing else better to do at Sunway Pyramid. Gosh!!! To think that TGV/GSC has only received my contribution of RM10 in the past... what... year or so depicts the miserable life that I lead. *sigh*...

Monday, July 04, 2005

LunchTime Realisations

One for the brain...

It seems that however old we are, we are still inexperienced in some sort of way. How often have you sat down and thought, if only I knew better then, I wouldn't end up like this now... but the thing is, you will never be able to know better back then. No matter how educated you can be, you will never be prepared for what life can throw at you.

You sit down on your butt and start to think... How wonderful it would be if i could do this one more time, differently, with more intelligence... but back then, you wouldn't have learnt from that mistake, because you're still very busy making it... so...

Unresolved... able...

Monday Mornings... The Sequel...

It's awfully quiet in the office... none of my colleagues are around and i'm stuck here anticipating the pick-up in pace as soon as they arrive... there's quite a lot on the job-list today and the fellas are in late!!! ARRRGGGHHHH...!!!

Now suddenly, as i was typing this post, both of the ppl who will make things happen arrived at the same time... What luck!!!

Now leave me... Should i not return, go on wihtout me...

Awaiting death...

Monday Morning!!! What else would you expect?

I awaken to the sound of my trusted alarm, slightly annoyed but still rather optimistic of what the day holds for me. I went to bed early last night hoping for a better tomorrow and once I reached the comfort of my car, reality seeped in. My head was light, slightly floating, and it's the pre-warning of what was to come for today.

My weekend had been a wreck! For no apparent reason, I was feeling down the whole day of Saturday. Nothing could lift my spirits up, not even a good night at Church!

I had a lot on my mind... A LOT!!! and some crazy accident happened to my car. The front grill was apparently rammed into, but i could not assess from the damage of how it happened. Maybe someone could help me out... If you know a Proton Isawara, please help me and explain how the following could have happened. The front grill (if it's what you call a grill, the one where the thundercats logo is...) was pushed in. The pin that held it fastened to the bumper was no where to be seen and there was a light scratch on the top of the bumper... which means whatever did it, only managed to bang into my front grill scratch the top of my bumper and nothing else. No damage to the hood, no bump on my bumper... the grill was pushed-in and all the repair needed was to pop my hood open and push the grill back into place (minus the fastener pin, which was lost) astounding... intriguing...dumbfounding... ok ok.. no more...

So now, during high speeds, if i hear a slight rattling from the front of my car, i'll know it's my grill.


Friday, July 01, 2005

Blog Transparency??

How much should a man reveal in his blog?? How much CAN a man reveal?? For a life that revolves around a bunch of friends whose privacy may be invaded if i posted stuff that they are facing in their lives... this could pose a problem and a threat to my status as a friend...


The press as 'The 4th Estate'?

The Malaysian Blogshpere has been full of controversies lately... and sad to admit, but the reason that i started to blog is that on one sunny afternoon, with nothing to do, I went to the tried and trusted '' for an evening dose of news... heck I was in the office sitting down like an idiot with nothing to do... you know lar... Being a copywriter, you think of a few lines, then you rest, then when something comes in, to you think of a few lines, then you rest...

So anyhow, I saw this feature on the e-news site and i read it without much of an interest as first, but when i went into their links, I found out that blogging could be a way out for me... It might just turn out to be my muse... Ok Ok... enough of me... getting back to the topic that's written on the 'title' box,

The press' function as the 4th estate has come under tremendous criticism lately because a few of the blogs published and publicised contains 'profanities'. And a segment of the general public has been making complaints about it, saying that there are young readers who now frequent these sites. And aparrently, the writers are seemingly destroying thier feeble minds with the harsh language that they are using to express themselve. Some say that it is the press that should have been more responsible in screening the blogs and the languages that the bloggers use before publishing thier URLs out to the Whole Wide World.... but some are attacking the bloggers saying that they were the ones who wanted thier URLs published and should therefore practice self censorship...

So where does the 4th estate come in? According to communications theory, the Press (Newspapers / Government Controlled TV Networks) should be responsible for the plight of their readers aka the Nation. But how much should the press censor?? If they take away all the profanities, then they are denying the readers the truth... The truth that the community of Malaysia (and any community for that matter) is actually walking down that line... that profanities are unavoidable. But how much protection should the press give the public in these terms? You see, the more you censor, the less of truth comes out. So wold you rather have the Malaysian public walk around in false consciousness, thinking that the world is a bed of roses, no profanities, no vulgarities, and no swearing???

This is the common misconception that people always have. They blame the country, blame the society, and blame every other 'blame-able' source. Have they ever thought that by bringing-up thier children correctly not by avoiding the dark and profane side of the society, but by teaching them and educating them about such things?? I mean, I've been growing up in a gangster filled society, filled with profanities and 'dark' activities... but has that made me a bad person?

In truth, it is what you teach your kids when they are young that matters. If you never tell your kids what they should do, what is bad and what is good, then who do you expect to do just that??? the society?? That's one of the problems that society is facing today... Parents are getting more and more busy, less and less time for the family... it has already happened since 20 over years ago that parents abandon thier children for thier careers... The result, kids grow up thinking that thier grandparents are thier parents... feeble minds are left to fend for themselves, trying and trying to find out what is good and what is bad... the only people that they can look up to (the grannies) aren't even physically able to chase around the house what more discipline them??? Look at yourself, if you think that your parents did a good job, then go ahead... let them teach your children as well... but i tell you the truth: Your parents learned jack-shit about teaching their Kids (aka YOU).. so don't expect your children to end-up better than what you ended-up as...

So blame it on society will you?? Take this article, print it out, keep it somewhere safe, and maybe you'll make sense of it some day, when your children have gone bad and you ask yourselves, "What have i done to deserve this?" then you'll realise that is was something that you have not done... Love your children and teach them while you still can. If you've never been in thier lives while they were developing thier character, then you should not expect them to listen to you when they are old and have minds of thier own.


Good Morning!!!

Never before had i switched off my radio on my way to work... and a little less conversation does really do wonders... i came to the office fresh and without the babbling voices of the 'box' (in the car) in my head telling me what i should do today, what's happened yesterday and how the news of yesterday will affect me today... seemingly, the 4th estate, telling you what should or should not be... less of that, and you start to think for your own...

Hope for a good day ahead... altough that too might change... darn clients...

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