Tuesday, July 05, 2005

All we need is a little controversy...

Life is short. Play hard. (X-Box)

This thing about religion in Minishort's site is really getting the people excited. You see people coming up with different opinions on all sorts of religions... and you come to see some people coming up denying all religions... what actually makes these people tick???

For thousands of years, MAN (women included) has been actively searching for GOD... like it or not, we have been trying to find perfection as an escape from our imperfection. So where does man get this notion of God??? Is it beyond science??? Is it pure fiction or is it just something that you'll have to believe round-round (bulat-bulat)???

I do feel that religion and the existance of God cannot be denied, because the world's supposedly most intelligent beings can't even take good care of it. So, the rationale is that there must be a higher being than humans. We did not just appear from nowhere and therefore must have a creator. I refuse to believe that i am a distant cousin of some chimp out there in the forests of China simply because it's both illogical and degrading. If evolution really made chimps into man, then why are the current crop of chimps still chimps?? Why aren't they even half as intelligent as us???

If you say that God does not exist, then try explaining the creation of the Earth... Where did the earliest lifeform come from?? You?? Man has the power to create, yes, but the only thing that man cannot create is himself. Cloning can produce a DNA/Carbon copy of you, but it will not have your soul, it will not think exactly like you... because, life is different for everyone. Everyone meets with different situations and chooses different ways to overcome an issue. That's the beauty of being a human being.

If you say that all religion preaches good, but who holds the truth? What can you make of as good??? How can your feeble mind, who has only seen a speck in the timeline of eternity, say that good is good? What is envisioned as good today may be irrelevent in 100 years' time... These three lines alone debunks all the notions that doing good will bring you to eternal peace... The truth is, truth is relative. It might relate as truth today and be totally out of place tomorrow.

Try this on for size, if you think science is the ultimate truth because 1 + 1 = 2, then think about this. A fact cannot stand without a theory and a theory cannot stand without a fact. All mathematical formulaes are bound by assumptions. We assume that 1 is really 1. In economics, we always assume the 'all things remain constant'. In physics, we assume that an ion is the smallest particle in an atom. No one has actually seen an ion, we can only monitor its existence from an experiment that is bound by countless theories. So science, when you debunk a few theories, doesn't seem so absolute anymore...

That was long... N..ee...d r...E...ss....TT.....


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