Battle Cry
Yes... I can hear it... and why was I so stupid not to see it earlier...
It's about time stuff came back to haunt us, it's about time the enemy takes a swipe at us, and it's about time to be calling the whole church to pray earnestly for the new building project.
What'dya think, that the evil guy will just roll over and let us build this thing easily?
Of course not...
So yeah, everyone who reads this shall be fore-warned... We are approaching the battlefield. Attacks have been felt, and the opposition will only grow stronger.
So take heart. Do not lose focus of your goals in Christ. Do not let the evil one play with your emotions, toy with yoru weaknesses, and get your life into turmoil.
This reminds me that I have to get my act back on track and soon too...
1. Pray for the leaders individually
2. Pray for protection over property
3. Pray for focus
4. Pray for God to be sovereign in all this