Wednesday, November 15, 2006

So I was sitting at the office...

Doing nothing...

And then, my (soon to be ex-)bosses keep pressuring me on a few jobs.

They're demanding for this and that, and yet, they are not acting on anything.

It's getting a little weird. I was to leave this forsaken place asap, and it seems that they are in a situation whereby they are at the most uncomfortable. They need me, but they can't stand me and my little incooperation. Well, truth be told, my little insubordination isn't even 10% of what my colleagues are shoving through to the bosses. Yes, the mutiny is still on, going strong. All because this bunch of colleagues are pressed to a point whereby they've got nothing to lose. Some are prepared to start their own little business, some are prepared to leave, and all are waiting for their year-end bonuses.

Me, I resigned at the most inappropriate time, and this has seemingly put the bosses into some form of trouble. Can't seem to get a replacement anywhere it seems. Of course, that's because everyone is waiting for their year-end bonus. So in the end, I think I've played them a wildcard by resigning in Nov.

Now, part of them wants to get rid of me, and part of them needs me.

I know for sure that the Big Boss hates it when he's not the one who calls the shots. If he had his way, he would have let me go off asap, and I know for sure if I exasperated him, I could get myself 'fired' within the end of the day. But he is desparate because if I go out on sour terms, that means he's risking having no one to write for him for the next few months.

And the worst thing is, I don't mind leaving on sour terms!

I'm partially enjoying this time of mind games and also hating the tug and pull tactics of the company who still has yet to confirm with me when is my last day.

Well, I just got shouted at for some fault which was no fault of mine, and you know what, shouting back feels nice. Heh...

The fella shouted at me for sending an email which was not supposed to be sent, but I got instructions from my colleagues to send it to the client, and the fella barked at me for sending it. None of my fault... My job is to write stuff while mindlessly sending emails, how was I supposed to know that this piece wasn't supposed to go out yet?

Ah, well, my days are numbered... wait... that's not right... ahahahahaha

Their days are numbered...

It's gonna only get weirder and weirder...

Now, my last day is still unconfirmed. By right, I will be able to go off by the next Friday, November 24th. But the company is now contemplating whether my 3 months worth of probabtion should be taken into consideration. Well, normal practise is, you do earn a day's leave for every month you're with the company. One boss is trying to delay my leaving, another is trying to get me to stay back, another is 'cool' about it. But we all know that they would do without me if they could.


I shall update more when things get weirder...

Now the company is just a grumpy organisation waiting for something to blow up...

Like it says, 'Something's gotta give'....


Blogger peisheah said...

i think you should find out more about our country's labour law so that you don't get shortchanged. please don't be too soft with them. you need to be healthy financially yourself.

November 15, 2006 8:39 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ps: Thanks for the advice. Maybe I'm just too soft eh? Doormats 'R Us?? Anyone? Von??


November 16, 2006 9:48 am  

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