Friday, April 21, 2006

Cross Roads on My 25th Anniversary

Yes, for those who haven't known, today is the day I celebrate my 25th Anniversary as a person.

And maybe, just maybe I shouldn't have peeked into the classifieds section of the morning paper I was reading at the coffee shop.

I find myself standing at a fork junction with my left foot half on the road leading to the left, and my right foot pulling me to the right. Ouch baby... Very Very Ouch...

Remember I was looking at crossing over to the dark side?

Well, suddenly I saw the force calling me back. And I would like to give it a try.

I don't know... sigh...

Suddenly, I saw this recruitment ad for a copywriter. And after speaking to a friend of mine, my old A.D., I think maybe I deserve a second chance. Maybe copywriting as a career deserves a second chance...

ARGGHHH... I'm not sure...

The same time last year, I was facing the same thing. I threw in my resignation letter a few days after the office guys celebrated my birthday with a cake... I just hope this year, that won't be the case...


Maybe I'll just flip a coin...


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