Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Here Goes Nothing

Sometimes, in the morning, you jump out of bed and go, "Here goes nothing..."

Well, for those who don't quite understand, it normally happens after you've been worrying about something, and you've worried so much that you've given up worrying.

I am a man who doesn't like things to be hanging in the 'Work-In-Progress' stage. When I start something, I would want it to be settled as soon as possible. Probably it's a weakness, probably it's my personality. I need to see action and can't sit around waiting for things to happen.

Admittedly, I've gotten into trouble for being overtly enthusiastic on a few issues, and I have been made to pay for such insecurities. I hate to preach this again, but it's the most logical explaination; Everything needs balance...

However much I hated that phrase when a friend spoke to me about it, it keeps popping up in my mind!!!

Well, it's an easy point to preach but it's the hardest to do... I have said this some time ago; When you have achieved balance, you will still need to maintain the balance. Ref: The see-saw... Even if you stand in the middle, you will still need to work to keep both ends off the ground...

Well, I have been unsettled once again... Moving my stuff out as soon as possible now, and Friday will be a day of cleaning the old apartment unit...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been saying "here goes nothing" quite a bit too lately. I hate my current client. I guess that's all part of working life and being an adult.

Sure wish we were back in uni...

Have a safe trip back to Sabah. If you get back before the 6th and you're free to meet up, give me a shout.

January 24, 2006 5:44 pm  
Blogger SaDdNesZ.jc said...

sure thing...

January 24, 2006 5:50 pm  

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