Wednesday, September 07, 2005

It's a Public Conspiracy.

Sometimes I really wonder if it's a purposeful inefficiency.

Now here's the conspiracy theory.

Today, I sent my Proton to the supposedly, BEST EON service centre available to man, at Glenmarie. Fine, I was actually quite happy with the service and all but the conspiracy theory came when I was actually waiting for a bus to get myself to Kelana Jaya LRT Station.

Now, I arrived infront of Sunway Pyramid and attempted to wait for a bus at a bus stop. I started waiting at 7.25am, and found myself standing up, sitting down, walking around turning my head towards the right to see if a bus was approaching. Low-and-behold, the bus only came at 8.15am! Almost 1 freakin hour, I wasted my time. And eventually, I arrived at my office at 9.25am!

Can anyone tell me why did I just spend 2 hours trying to get myself to work?

This is a conspiracy at the highest level. And since the bus operators and LRT operators are, well maybe half, Government owned, maybe, JUST MAYBE, the government is trying to do the following...

1. Make the public transport as unreliable as possible so that people would buy their good-riddence-to-quality Proton cars.
2. Reduce subsidy for petrol/diesel so that they can spend the money elsewhere. And I wonder where the subsidy goes to while the Government is seemingly enjoying a surplus in returns. Besides, the price hike will make public transport more unreliable.
3. Get people to wake up early and to bed late, spend time travelling in air polluted environment so that people will spend more on Medical bills and insurance.
4. Increase cost of living by incresing price of petrol and diesel so that the Rakyat will work harder to feed thier petrol tanks
5. Build more 'government subsidised' low cost housing so that they can cram people into the same area and create congestion and test the public transport services.
6. Build more 'effective' highways where they can get people to pay toll everywhere they go
7. Make the rakyat spend more time in jams, thus burn more fuel, Or spend more money on tolls and burn less fuel. Whichever your way to work, the government will get you.
8. Purposely build the most reliable LRT systems in the nation just a little bit further from the biggest and most congested residential area in PJ/Subang so that 80 people can cram into 40 seater bus, spending an hour, to get to the LRT station.
9. Or better still, get these people to drive there, and pay RM2 per day for parking, and another RM2+ to get to your office and earn RM4+ from you daily! And not forgetting that they'll burn more fuel in the jam
10. Last of all, make a perfectly good road for you to drive on, then dig up part of it two weeks later (for supposedly TNB works) to rattle up your car a bit so that you will get your car serviced regularly at EON and earn millions on tax returns from the import of drive shafts and suspension units..

Whao! That was my first 'Top 10 List'.

What an achievement...


Blogger SaDdNesZ.jc said...

And you'd say we live in the best country because we have the best tax policy in the whole wide world?

Where got such a big frog jumping around the streets???

September 07, 2005 1:38 pm  

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