Monday, August 11, 2008

Babbel, Babble, Babel, Babell...


I feel that there's something not right with me if I can't churn up some mental diahhroea once a few days. So here I am, trying to write something...

Things with me fopr the past few days have been interesting and out of the ordinary to say the least. Work is work and it's every-increasing... Our vision says that we must be a church that is ever-growing in love for God and man, and maybe that's why our work is ever-increasing...

I'll be doing a fair bit of traveling in this month of August, thus, do expect posts to be not so frequent; not that it is frequent in the first place, but do expect more sporadic episodes.

Well, nothing new happened since the last post, and there are things also that I cannot write. So, yeah.. it's difficult when your life is an open book, but there are chapters in which people cannot have access to...

As for the new apartment, we are looking at the renovation and the fixing of the electricals. We hope to finish everything, the apartment made ready for Sept occupation.

So if you're interested, do give me a firm offer on the comments. RM1,300/month. Pics will come soon. I sent a photographer to help me snap a few pics, and the fellas who went fell in love with my unit... hhhmmm... that's not the point... The point is, Sony equipment is so incompatible with everything else that he pics will have to come next week or something...

Until then...


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