Friday, July 04, 2008

5th Installment of the Benefitment of the gloriousness of the Hakka-ness...

Dear All,

Jin hae mm hau yi suu, I said that the previous post was the 3rd installment, but it was in fact the 4th... Anyhow, at your level, you do not need to know all that stuff anyway, so...

This lesson shall be about the term 'Ngai Sat' as suggested by IsaacGrass.

It is a totally meaningless expression whereby you can use it as much as you like, as frequent as you like, for as many times in your sentence as you like.

Take for example, Ka Seng was walking through a street where he meets with a rabbid dog (bot zi giu) and he is at his own liberty to utter the words 'Ngai Sat' followed by anything else he likes to describe the incident. "Ngai Sat, ngia tiau ngai sat kai bot zi giu zhin hae bin gii hak xxx dau, ngai sat kee hau gong! Ngai Sat!

If you would really want to know how it's spelt, Ngai would be the term used to refer to ones self, and Sat would (i think) mean kill. So Ngai Sat would (I feel) be translated as 'I kill' or the more English equivalent, 'Blimey!'

As you can see, Ngai Sat can be tonnes more vulgar than the English term of Blimey!

So there you have it, one more point for the vulgarity of Hakka and Hakka-ness.

Glorious be to the Benefit of Hakka-ness!

From now until when I say so, I shall be taking a break from teaching you guys the wide and vulgar world of Hakka-ness. So the female terms shall have to wait a while...


Blogger j-kiml said...

so fast taking rest adee?

July 05, 2008 12:28 am  
Blogger Victor da Lee said...

haha.. ngai sat~!

giu tiu an giak hiu sit? ngai sat~!

July 05, 2008 12:49 am  
Blogger 小彭 said...

walan my giu tiu so faz retired meh?
i help u continue..
the gloriousness of hakkaness
Book 2 chapter 1
Jiao Pang..^^ aka.. gen mui giu!

July 05, 2008 12:54 am  
Blogger Jovina said...

lol...gen mui giu..let me translate to english ya...
(Follow Dog's Tail)

July 06, 2008 12:41 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

ma kai ui oh..jin he sit bao fan mao su cho...

des..another words for you in your lecture...."Oo si mm chut, lai ti ngan"

July 06, 2008 6:07 pm  
Blogger Lydiaclo said...

aiyo...kaseng punya hakka fail...spelling tidak 'zhun' lah...victor still can consider pass...chamz la you Des-sie-mond....all learn that word liao...."jin heh cham" lo...."ngai mao ngan kon" lo...

July 09, 2008 4:32 pm  
Blogger z - rIce said...

oi mao oh...chen bu kong hak ka...oh gui lo...

July 10, 2008 3:06 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

next lesson can use "tai si" ?


July 10, 2008 11:39 pm  
Blogger Victor da Lee said...

other blogs, i visit for new blog post...
this blog, i visit for new comments...

jin ai mao gui yung lo ngai...

July 11, 2008 11:15 pm  

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