At last...
After about 9 years of exile, I have turned myself in to the Doctor's Clinic last night.
I was down with a fever since Sunday night, and i spent the entire day of Monday battling it out, hoping that my body will react to it and it'll wear off. But as of last night, I was convinced that only a jab in the butt will do the trick, so I went to the clinic nearby and got my butt cheek punctured. My girlfriend was so proud that she was part of this 'end of my defiance' that she warranted a special mention in this blog. So here it goes:
My girlfriend finally got me to see the doctor after a good 9 years of persuading and pushing and concern.
Well, truth be told, I seriously haven't been to a doctor's ever since I left Form 5 in 1998. I have always battled flu, coughs and my annual period of sickness on pharmacy prescriptions. I would buy at leat 2 packs of 4Litre Orange juice from Carrefour to battle flu and running nose, then strepsils for the sore throats, and Tussils 5 for coughs. The only thing that I can't battle alone is fever. And this time, after an entire day of battle without respite, I gave in. I went to the doctor's and she prescribed me a few pills, antibiotics and all, and by the end of the consultation, she asked, you want a jab? I said yeah, I want to recover faster.
So, there I was, lying on my side, and got myself a jab on my right cheek. Straight after, my right leg was a bit numb but mostly it was on the wobbly side.
So that was my entire ordeal of my first visit to the Doctor's in 9 years. There, I've broken my defiance of seeing a doctor. Happy now?
Finally, hahahahhahahahhahahah.
You must remeber the story of the drowning guy and the boat, God put doctors on Earth for a reason you know?
So happy....
We are all so proud of you now. Well done Desmond...Hahhahahahaha....
ahahahhahaha!!!! well, at least jenny cant call u strawberry anymore!! ;p hahahaha! Good for u. hahaha! Aih.. Guys... so cute la...
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