Saturday, December 23, 2006

I won't die...

I hope this doesn't turn out to be something that will come to haunt me in the near future...

I was replying a comment from my previous post, and I was reminded of the little inside joke we have amongst our weekend football mates.

You see, we live in Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia. If you're an accidental visitor to this blog, yes, we do have proper civilisation in this place called Malaysia, and yes, we do have an (albeit poor) education system that comes inclusive of English. And Malaysia is a tropical country, which means we only have 2 seasons a year; Hot and Wet or HOTTER and Wet. So, during the year end, it's the rainy season and there'll be thunderstorms with massive rainfall on the west parts of the Malayan Peninsular. And Kuala Lumpur happens to fall under that geographical category... ... ... Why are we into Geography??


So, the story goes... We, being fanatics and all that, would play football rain or shine... And even the thought of a thunderstorm don't hinder us much. Any logical thinking man out in the streets would think that we're asking for trouble when you have all the proper ingredients of an open field, large trees on the side, heavy rain, bolts of lightning, rolls of thunder, and a good 20 people running around a water-logged pitch chasing after a football. The match will go on no matter what. The only thing that will stop us from playing are the security guards or the rain is so heavy that we can't even open our eyes to see the ball... heh... You should try it... everytime you look up to spot the ball, rain gets into your eyes, and you find yourself wiping your face every other second just so that the ball doesn't accidentally fly into your face without you seeing it first...

Ok... by now, I don't blame you if you think that we are either looking for trouble, or extremely stupid...

The truth is, there's only two kinds of people who would do such things; The extremely stupid (which means that we have no idea whatsoever what lightning could do to us) or those who are looking for a quick death.

But let me tell you a little secret. The reason why we aren't afraid of death is that we know very clearly our mission on earth is not yet done. Our pastor (who used to play with us) always say, "You think that God will let you off the hook so easily? There's so much more to be done!"

"To let you die, just like that, would have benefited you, and not God's Kingdom."

Well... we haven't died yet... so I won't die... Cause God won't let me... yet...


*Sorry, you would only understand this completely if you have a bit of background on Christianity, and you would fully understand this if you have the calling to be a full-time minister in the Christian church. Hah!


Blogger Chief said...

Merry Christmas

December 23, 2006 2:03 pm  
Blogger Bea said...

Merry Christmas, des! hope u had a super busy blessed weekend =P

one question.

what made u change ur mind to serve full-time? coz i remember suggesting to u to serve full-time and u said u tried it before and it wasn't ur thing...not ur exact words but something along those lines lah...

December 25, 2006 6:23 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

long story...

Ask me when we meet in person again?


December 26, 2006 8:05 am  

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