Thursday, September 08, 2005

It's my Last Day!

And seriously, I don't know how to feel.

I can be the nicest brat that ever lived and make a little fuss about me still having work to do, or I can play it cool and not do anything at all, and simply walk out the door after a few goodbyes. Maybe just slip away unnoticed when my colleagues are playing cards.

I really don't know. Part of me burns for revenge, because I do feel that I have been treated unfairly by the system. But then, that could be reasoned down to me not being competant in knowing the company better. I simply lost out in the political war that's within this office, and business is business, so no feelings involved. Up until today, I still don't know whether my downfall has been caused by a revolt in front of my colleague, and therefore, she has been plotting against me since then or something.

But my general observation is that I have not been on the boss' good books since I arrived. He has always looked at me with a kind of scepticism and has never came to like me nor my style. The other boss who interviewed me and sold me to this boss saying that I am good enough and I have potential isn't in the office most of the time, but still, he's an objective man I would say.

So, actually, I think I got muscled out by the old-timers whose shoes that I didn't want to lick. Then the other theory is that I came into the office at the wrong time, and lost a lot of ground. I have been left to feel around the dark. Nobody briefed me about what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. By now, I still couldn't grasp how the system in here works. Maybe they don't have a system. I mean, the Associate Creative Director doesn't lead the creative team, and the boss, whose the Creative Director simply gives his input when stuff are presented to him. Then, supposedly, the Creative Director listens more to his partner, the Accounts Director (the fella who hired me) when it comes to creative direction, and this fella is often not in the office. There's a whole lot of confusion in the creative process.

Then, everybody in the office apparently will ask you more questions rather than give you answers and expect you to know. The general way I learn anything is that "Do you know what MICE means?" "You'd better find it out because when the boss asks you, then you're in trouble."
Like, why can't you tell me there and then what the heck is MICE??? or something like that? It's like they expect you to know something that you don't, but then they are not ready to tell you what is it that you don't know.

Now someone tell me, how does that work?? How do I learn anything like that?

Seriously, if I really grade myself and my time here, I can dare say I learnt nothing about how copywriting should be done in a big/medium agency. All I learnt during my time here is that I have to perform better. What is better? You'd better find that out before you get into trouble with the boss.

The past 3 months have been an eye opener. I can only take the lesson as such. I have the privilege of working on a major account but yet, it wasn't anything creative, and would seem like a desparate name drop if I put it into my CV. The other stuff were normal, nothing out of the ordinary.

So, I'm hoping for the best in the new company.



Blogger SaDdNesZ.jc said...


I'm wearing the 'black t-shirt' today, just to prove that bad luck don't just come from wearing the shirt...

Pulled it on saying, "Let's see what will crock up today..."

well, I'm waiting...

September 08, 2005 10:15 am  

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