Thursday, May 18, 2006


It's deafening when you can hear nothing within your own heart.

Hollow, spacious and lonely...

I wonder why...

I have filled my own time and mind with quite a lot of things lately, but everything seems futile...


We're all gonna die...

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Life has just fallen into the mundane and there's nothing much I can do about it. My girlfriend keeps reminding me that I should stay positive.

My ventures into a new job has came back futile. Went to an interview, sent resumes out, but no news yet. And seriously, come to think of it, maybe I should just sit around and wait until the year end bonus comes out before I take leave.

Everything has just gone dormant. Even my mail box is attracting flies.


It's weird when I feel like this. It's like I'm in this semi-depressed state. I'm slightly depressed... but yet, I'm not depressed... I'm deflated... but yet, I also have many things going on for me...

Maybe I need to get out more often...



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