Thursday, August 18, 2005

For the past week or so,

I've been so so SO so so busy...

Well, not quite, but busy enough... I've been getting jobs top-right-centre since last week. From cars to food to cargo to insurance. Whao! Now that is some load. And the worst part is, I have to switch mentalities and styles of writing like I switch on lights. Coporate, lifestyle, simple, direct, artistic. This is taking its toll lar...

The longer I go on like this, the more dilluted I am getting. I am trying very hard not to re-use my lines from the previous job, but the words keep floating in and out of my mind. This is interesting to me because it is a totally new experience. I have never had such a need to come up with so much diversity in writing styles in my previous agency. Previously, all I did was write letters for credit card companies, getting their richest members to spend more of thier money. Now I strongly support this because it generates cash-flow for the economy but then, when you have too much of only that, life gets bored, and I started to feel like a retard.

Now, I have to switch styles of writing and come up with short but impactful headers... so this is a challenge that I am really happy to be engaged in.

Hhhhmmm... Maybe I am really learning the ropes of being a full-fledge copywriter.


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