Thursday, August 04, 2005

The cost of belief...

When you believe in something, you must follow it and be true to your heart. When you truly believe, you must follow it whole-heartedly. If you are half-hearted in doing something, then it is better off not done at all. When you make the decision to do it, and whatever the reason might be, do not go back to the time when you took that first step, because things that have been set in motion can no longer be stopped. No matter how much you would like to re-visit the time when you were young and impulsive, you have already taken that step towards your future. There's no turning back because time has already elapsed. Words that are said cannot be taken back, so is water that is spilt. Regrets are regretful and should be left alone. Before you make a decision, make sure you won't regret it. If you have doubts, then don't decide. If you can't decide, don't blame God or whoever for it. Blame your own lack of wisdom. When you have a clear mind, you know exactly what you want. When you know what you want, you stay true to your cause. When you stay true to your cause, nothing can shake you. When nothing can shake you, you know that you're on the right track. When you're on the right track, you know that the cost of following what you believe is always the road less travelled. Most of the time, you'll find that you are travelling alone. Loneliness is just a passing emotion. Only those who choose to emote have emotions. Others suffer from a dip in form. The weak will let emotions control them, the strong control their emotions. Those who rise above the challenges of life and stand firm to what they believe is true will either be stomped down or elevated to a higher plane. Those who put up a good fight will be commended. Those who fall never to rise again are destined for failure. Those who run the long race will be known as a success. Those who run and stop at intervals have a short attention span. Those who pay attention will learn. Those who learn will get through life. Those who get through life will achieve satisfaction. Those who achieve satisfaction achieve life. A life that is colourful. A life that is filled with ups and downs. A life where his following of his beliefs has brought him to uncharted territories. A life that is filled with hurts and breakthroughs, a life that is worthy of being called true. Truth. Life. Belief. Discipleship.

So, in ONE sentence, the cost of Discipleship is Life.


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