Saturday, February 14, 2009

Up, up and away??

At last, there's a bit of publishable good news to pass around.

My car's in the paint room and I guess it won't be too far off from returning to me.

The school's been given the endorsement by the Minister, and the Dept's coming to give an inspection next week.

And I'm going to be speaking to about 300 youths tomorrow.. erm.. later today about love... I have my points written out, but I am not definately sure that I'll do as planned. It's a bit too informative for me to give a 10-point sermon on something as emotional as 'love'... So I'm still caught in two minds.

Well then, we'll see how it goes...

As for now... Happy Valentine's Day...


Blogger lauwy said...

ooo.. u giving talk a ? haha.. can don't go liao.. XD

February 14, 2009 1:54 pm  

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