Thursday, October 06, 2005

Rise of the no-collar employees...

Travelling on the LRT to down-town KL everyday, it's apparent that more and more people are dressing down to work. Nowadays, there's this whole new industry out there that doesn't really care about their employees dress codes. Only those who need to service clients need to dress up properly and presentably. People like me, who get stuck in the office can wear anything I like! I go to work in my jeans and depending on the time I decide to wake up, I could come to work in a t-shirt! Heck I used to work at this place where the boss would come in on certain day wearing the 'Cap Helang' white t-shirt and his trusty jeans! and this guy dressed in rags drives a Euro-spec 5-Series Beamer!

Times are a-changing...

It was only a good 10 years back when people were proud to be white collar workers as opposed to the blue collar (industrial) workers which were most of the time also-known-as 'Operator Pengeluaran Wanita' (That's Female Output Operator in direct litaral translation for you who-do-not-know-Bahasa-Malaysia).


Well, I got my credit card activated yesterday and i proceeded in using it during my groceries shopping. It's a sense of liberation whereby I don't need to pay cold hard cash upfront, but after that, when I reach home it all sinks in that I could easily be disillusioned into believing that I have more cash in my pocket than I expect to have. Living on future money is so meloncholic...

It's like you have more cash to spend, but you actually don't...


The lamentations of a Credit Card noobie


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