Wednesday, November 19, 2008

This is me... I guess...

Well, it's frustrating to be staying in a half-way kinda house. 

What you want, you cannot get, what you need, you cannot want, what you get, you cannot keep... It's futile, this place... 

The people are fine, lovely and well behaved... maybe a little too well behaved... I guess that my wife and I are probably the most un-innocent people in the little community that we live in... Or maybe everyone's a wolf in sheep's skin? 

This town makes one go paranoid I guess... Maybe becaue of its location on the face of the earth that segregates it form the rest of the world. Let's just say that evil breeds in small quantities around this town... 

There's not much to be done, there's not much temptation at all, You can't even get yourself into decent trouble if you wanted to... lovely place... for tree-hugging hippies... 

I'm not saying that the fellas staying here should fall under that category, but yeah... somehow, I feel like I'm trapped in this bubble of goodness... Like, evil doesn't stay here... exterior evil that is... Evil of the heart, I'm not so sure... but from the outside, everything seems to be prim and proper...

Maybe I'm just paranoid after so many years in KL... 

But I'm just complaining for the sake of complaining... gotta write something for my readers to read about I guess...


Blogger yatzi jean lau tan said...

Hello Des and Flora and baby

November 20, 2008 9:46 pm  
Blogger yatzi jean lau tan said...

I experience what you have experience before in Tawau. Not easy for us as Sunwayrian go to Tawau and live there. I been cry for 2 weeks there since reach there then surrender to God.

But i believe this move of step by yours must be you got listen or see the vision from God then take this Faith of move.

i can see many attack eg:your car, your cough.

hmm...for me my business also temporary "zap lap" liao. Cos the shop owner stop continue rent the shop. The contract end, I know he contract will end but as what he told and also dont expect he is not continue. Some more he just told before a week ago from the ending date.

So now i at home liong dei. Some more just now just told my dad and he just scolded and say some discourage word.

But i know last time before start is God give the vision and the shop also given by Him. Just don't understand why now like that.

Don't know when He going to give another shop. Don't know the next step is how. But i know i gonna wait. :)

Thank God got God support and sio yuan support. Most important is this 2 person support.

You got added one more person support you sommore. So good!! haha! Kayao ah 3 of you!

"A life unexamined is not worth living." S yuan just remind me this when i feel discourage by what my dad say.

we will never walk alone keh...

November 20, 2008 10:07 pm  

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